I can understand why things happen, please give me your wisdom. Lord, I come to you today with hope and anticipation as I wait to hear about this job opportunity. Money-Back Guarantee, 10% discount of the total is successfully applied. Please also bless the hiring team and those who will be making the decision, and help me to build positive and productive relationships with them. But what we cannot do in our own strength you, our great Creator, can achieve. I love you Lord Jesus. There is none like you. Then say: "Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior of us all, I humbly ask Thy Holy Spirit to guide me through this day and help me get a job today. O Saint Joseph, pray for me. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray. Second, let us pray that Gods power conforms us to the image of Christ. Have I not commanded you? Lord, bless me and keep me, make your face shine upon me. Help me remember that, especially at this time. HALLO I NEED YOUR PRAYERS. Amen. Pastor Bevere spoke on the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), which talks about a group of servants who are entrusted with talents to look after while their master is away. Your will be done as it is in heaven. Here are 10 strong prayers for abundance and prosperity, including images you can print to use and share. I must give you my testimony of miracles after requesting prayer. I owed a lot of debts and I couldnt pay because of lack of money. A second saint may also be petitioned depending upon the associated occupation. Required fields are marked *. Lord Jesus Christ,Here I am againasking You to do what only You can do,in my life and in my current situation. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. Sovereign God, please make it happen soon. We ask you to put this seemingly hopeless situation under your feet, as indeed it already is. Please make darkness come to light, & please make today, the start of justice for me & my children!! I lift my eyes and my hope to you, for you are strong in might and never fail. The other thing I learned from my job hunting was that my identity does not come from any posh-sounding job title. Amen Thankyou ! The 17 Miracle Prayer Points - Midnight Prayer Bullets PDF Stretch forth your mighty arm, grasp us, lift us, and set us at the top of this stronghold that is blocking our way. The same is possible in our daily lives: Miracle power testifies that Gods touch is always a heartbeat away. Empower Your Prayer * It was not easy trusting God over the half year that followed. Please completely heal the damage I did to Lees heart and our relationship. Truly, the God of Israel is faithful to his promise that I am the God that health thee. Also, I have court case against my former employer that is owing me millions of Naira. Prayer For My Husbands Protection From Temptation, Prayer For Promotion At Work By Elisha Goodman, Prayer Points For Great And Mighty Things. Im not sleeping at night, Im stressed and in need of prayer for new employment in a better environment. Prayer Video service includes: Amen. Your Email Address(will not be published)* I pray that through this process, I may honor you with my work and be a blessing to those around me. Thank you for everything you done and will do for me. Lord, it would be a huge blessing to receive it. Prayer Points. I promise to serve you and your people through out the rest of my life. An easy way to start your day with prayer; read todays prayer and sign up to receive it by email. My husband and I went through a very hard time I'm 2019, I sent a couple of prayers and through his grace they were answered. I know I do not ask in vain. For my Canada visa a1crore of money from my bank account balance wanted to show and pray for success in my Canada visa, Please dear lord during this time please gain my son back to health and allow my two other children to come home with me, Please pray for my husband to stop drinking, Dear Lord I pray that you perform a miracle in my life and I be verified and registered Lord I pray, Please pray for my son to be restored to his fianc and to me. Hear my prayer for a miracle. You are the God of endurance and encouragement. Faith to Move Mountains PrayerLord God, Name above all names, your power is unlimited and your strength has no end. You know my needs and desires. Regarding my finances. Online Store As I pray to get a job, I ask that you guide my thoughts and my plans. How to Pray for Job Search Miracles - Learn Religions You gave yourself completely to the Savior,it was cause for joy to pray, to work, to sacrifice yourself, to suffer, to die for him. Kindly prayer for me to be healed from an autoimmune disease & pains in my body, Lord Jesus , I ask for the major financial breakthrough and supernatural debt cancellation ,may it happen in the month of April suddenly ,May you reveal your glory in me through good works and the fulfilment of your purpose through manifestation of Christ in my life .May the Father command this financial breakthrough and May the Holy Spirit create it through the powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Treat him with love and tenderness, the world outside here is rough. I am writing to you because I need your help. Much Love Blessings Prayers And Unending Miracles Be Ours Today, Tomorrow And Always AMEN AMEN AMEN Much Love, Blessings And Happiness . To begin with, there is a simple prayer asking for God's guidance when making decisions about applying for jobs. 9. I would like to thank you so very much for your wonderful service! The sermon reminded me to make use of my talents properly, and convicted me that I should really give writing another go. Lord, you know of all the pain my sons addictions has brought to his life and to my heart. Please, Lord, could you bless me with the answer soon? These powerful prayers for miracles to happen will offer you the perfect encouragement to be ready to receive your blessings from the Lord. Secured by PayPal. First You have promised that when I pass through the waters, you will be with me, the rivers will not sweep over me, the fire will not burn me. At your name, demons flee. Nothing is too difficult for you. In Jesus name. Thank you for trusting in me Lord, as I trust in You. Give me the strength to follow you. And so I know that you will not withhold this blessing from me. You will receive a video of your prayer request inside the Church Please God bless me today, for I have a Custody hearing.. Im up against lies, & pure evil. Are you in need of a breakthrough in your job search? And you know what? I pray for your wisdom and discernment as I consider different job options and make decisions about my career. Praise and thanks be to God!! Bless me with the riches of righteousness and the prosperity of faith, so that my treasure will be stored up in heaven. Month010203040506070809101112 While in this state, you are motivated to repress all adverse vibrations to enable you to be clear on what you need as well as draw in all the advantages in life. I will appreciate if you can make it happen. I trust and believe in you. The prayer is designed for those who are looking for a job, but dont know how to go about getting one. Contact Us Im praying that you will help me find a great paying job within 3 days. In thanksgiving . Prayer for FavorMy generous Father, you are a great God. AMEN. Luke 12:32 gave me a lot of comfort during this time. Amen. Father God, I am urgently in need of a job. Filled with images of Saint Joseph shown in detail from an Italian holy card, Saint Joseph is known as the worker who is commonly looked to for job getting. Your email address will not be published. -From How to Pray for Your Work, in theNIV Faith & Work Bible. I am calling on You today to help me find a great paying job within 3 days. "(Colossians 3:23, GNT), "Those who work their land will have abundant food, Jesus, We are seated with you in heavenly places and looking down at this with you and declaring your authority over these things. They have started to ruin my life. Jesus we come to you on hands and knees we beg you to touch his frail body and let your light shine threw him like onlybyou can do . The gospel is the power to change people (see Ro 1:16), and when people see Christ more clearly, they are empowered to live and act as God intended. The Miracle Prayer To Get A Job can be used by anyone and everyone, even if they do not believe in supernatural powers. Photos of your picture on the stone of anointing will be emailed to you Secured by PayPal. Dearest Jesus, help me, please. May my whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless to the end. Anytime your back is up against the wall and you find yourself in need of a supernatural breakthrough, pray this Most Powerful Prayer for a Miracle. Add Video of Your Candle Please soften the hearts of the people I work with. catholic miracle prayer to get a job. Hallelujah!! Are you ready to unleash that miracle power? May divine harvest fall and fill my life in Jesus name. In your holy name, I pray. When you have a rough day at work and you just dont understand how your co-worker or boss could have said something so rude to you, when you feel like you put your best in but you keep getting corrected, and when you did everything that you were asked but the company let you goremember the gospel. God Bless you all for doing what you do! Scott Could you use a little encouragement each day? Amen. Prayer Request service includes: I have prayed to you before and you have answered my prayer. Please know how much I appreciate you! You are the Sovereign King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light. supports HTML5 video. Regarding my finances. Give me eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort my heart and establish me in every step I take. You searched nothing else in this world but the glory of God and the good of others. Your printed prayer request will be placed on the Stone of Anointing May God cure his addition in Jesus name. I know that You have the perfect job for me and I will be able to start my new job right away. We give You glory, for you are able to do much more than our wildest imaginings, according to your power at work in us. Ask for the grace to never separate me from Jesus by the mortal sin,to know him and love him even more and his blessed Mother,to always live in the presence of God,to do anything for his glory and the good of other souls,and one day to reach the beatific vision of God to praise him eternally with you. lord please heal my friend from this terrible desease call dementia which is eating away his brain, and help my grand child find his purpose and protect me and my daughter from all harm and danger lord let your will be done amen, Amen..Lord let thy Holy will be done in my life in Jesus Christ name Amen, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Highest of High. Limitless Grace PrayerGod, I appeal to your grace, realizing that it is greater than my comprehension. My Lord, you know the peril I am in. You know, whats really going on.Please make the Judge rule on my favor!! Please Lord, take my son off the streest. Cardholder Name Your will be done. Help me rejoice in Your bounty,that all thingswork together for good,for those who love You. I have been struggling in finding a great paying job within 3 days. The Word of God tells me that You are the same.