The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The French, Spanish, Dutch and the English colonies had things that were the same but, things that were very different from each other. In 1603, the English were still a small rising nation, poorer than most, and less powerful than Spain and France. The main political motivation for English Imperialism was due to the rivalries with its European Counterparts. In North America, trading outposts along the Hudson River and in New Amsterdam (New York) were built by the Dutch and along the Mississippi and St. Noli Me Tngere (Touch me Not) is a novel written by Jos Rizal, considered as one of the national heroes of the Philippines, during the colonization of the country by Spain to expose the inequities of the Spanish Catholic priests and the ruling government. An English adventurer hired by the Dutch government who led an expedition to find a path to Asia through North America. 0000025931 00000 n Question: Compare the Spanish colonies with those of the French and Dutch. 0000009450 00000 n Both colonies were primarily trading posts for furs. In particular, the Dutch, the Swiss, and the French held Spanish loans, but the Spanish borrowed from just about any government with which they were not actively at war. They moved North to get to Florida and modern-day Texas. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. In these wars, fighting between rival native peoples spread throughout the Great Lakes region. The Spanish were the first to colonize North America and their approach lacked moral compass. While both countries had dealings with the Native Americans, the French were much more friendly with them. Geography, Human Geography, Physical Geography, Religion, Social Studies, Economics, U.S. History, World History. Some missions also served as posts where explorers set out on the quest for riches. The occasion for the decolonization was provided by the Napoleonic Wars. In, addition to having many parts they had settlements that include; Quebec, Montreal, and, Louisiana. What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? The outcomes of the British method of colonization have one aspect similar to the Spanish: the destruction of the Indian culture, mainly because of the European diseases. 0000013559 00000 n The furs, especially beaver pelts destined for the lucrative European millinery market, would be sent down the Hudson River to New Amsterdam. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. While the Spanish established colonies in the south, the French mainly established their colonies near the northern globe. The Virginia Company of London established the Jamestown colony to make a profit for its investors. France focused its attention on establishing commercially viable trading posts in the New World to supply Europe with its seemingly never-ending demand for furs. Direct link to ChristianP's post Which 3 present-day citie, Posted 2 years ago. Direct link to twalsh2025's post Why didn't they realize t, Posted 2 years ago. They married Native American women, converted them to Christianity, and traded with them. Differences in imperial goals, cultures, and North American environments led these nations to develop diverse patterns of colonization. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The shortage of labor also meant that New Netherland welcomed non-Dutch immigrants, including Protestants from Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and England, and embraced a degree of religious tolerance, allowing Jewish immigrants to become residents beginning in the 1650s. whatever the price, they were seeking better lives for themselves. All four empires colonized for a number of reasons. Why didn't they realize these bad reasons and choose some place else where. Farmers and merchants followed. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. All started colonizing to make empires for their country. 0000025473 00000 n All these colonies were established in a place where there were not so many, advantages like we have nowadays. This pattern of settlement created a yawning gap in wealth and status between the tenants, who paid rent, and the wealthy patroons. They established large farms, mines, and big cities. In 1620, a group of settlers left Plymouth, England, to join the settlers in Jamestown. They were mainly used to promote trade with the Indians for fur. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Back in 1453, Constantinople, the last holdout of the Byzan. 0000029659 00000 n I. Spanish, French, Dutch, and British colonizers had different economic and imperial goals involving land and labor that shaped the social and political development of their colonies as well as their relationships with native populations. Like the other European countries, England was motivated in part by the lure of both riches and the Northwest Passage. Slow growth; by 1672 no more than 5,000 colonists had settled throughout New France. European countries recognized the potential profits of securing better trade with Asia and sought new routes by sea.Commissioned by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus was among the first who sought a faster, more direct route to Asia by sailing west rather than east. Yet, Britain soon had populated permanent settlements in the new world for a different reason.The settlement of these colonies was motivated by religion. 0000004315 00000 n Colonization or imperialism is the process of settling among and chartering control over homegrown people of an area. They came to work collectively with the native inhabitants to create a lucrative trade network comprised of military forts, trading posts and agricultural villages. Is not this worthy of compassion? The Spanish and French colonies were both ruled completely by their home country. For such a small country, the Netherlands was a naval powerhouse. The British colonies were developed economically as compared to French and Spanish colonies. The British colonies were inconsistent because the they were controlled by both the king and stock companies, which meant that different colonies had different incentives to settle. To this end, missions were founded in present-day Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Californiaindeed, anywhere the Spaniards had influence. In return, the shareholder who gained the patroonship promised to pay for the passage of at least thirty Dutch farmers to populate the colony. was the hudson bay company and hudson bay named after Henry Hudson?? This new obtained wealth would not only have demonstrated power, but it could also be used to influence a society a certain way to convince others to follow suit. A few fledgling Spanish settlements were established nearby, but clashes with Native Americans who lived there, and the lack of gold or other riches made many of them short-lived. For example, the 1636 edition, written by the Catholic priest Jean de Brbeuf, addresses the devastating effects of disease on native peoples and the efforts made to combat it. In the late 16th and early 17th cent., the English, Dutch, and French began to undertake colonization through the agency of chartered companies. How did the British colonies differ from the French and Spanish colonies? The way that the English colonies differed from the Spanish colonies was that the English colonies weren't being funded by their home country. 0000001848 00000 n How did the major European imperial powers and indigenous populations experience imperialism and colonisation in the period 1880-1960? All rights reserved. The economies of Spanish, Dutch and French colonies were different from each other based on geography. These differences were determined by the motivations to settle the colonies and what environment the people lived. Both the Dutch and the French relied on native peoples to harvest the pelts that proved profitable in Europe. This resulted in a wide diversity of religions practiced compared to the Spanish colony: such as Jews, Quakers, and Lutherans. But eventually power for territory led to extensive issues with them. It would take another 70 years before the Spanish began to settle in California; Father Junipero Serra built Mission San Diego, the first mission in present-day California, in 1769. The French and Dutch established colonies in the northeastern part of North America: the Dutch in present-day New York, and the French in present-day Canada. Each empire had their own individual agendas and incentives for colonization. One major difference between the two is that the Spanish colonies were much more intensively settled and a much more developed economy was created there than in French colonies. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. French Colonization; French and Indian War; Fugitive Slave Act; Gender Roles in 1950s; . Albany, Posted 3 months ago. What benefits might these games have for the sick? Montreal, QE. 0000003232 00000 n Other colonies included Martinique, which is still a French territory today. Dutch ships carried goods throughout the world for virtually every European nation, Dutch merchants and bankers made Amsterdam the economic center of Europe, and the Dutch navy was a power to be reckoned with. While the French, Dutch, and British were competing with each other the Native Americans who were already there were oppressed by the European settlers and were forced to move away or were left with limited resources. When you do your own work, you learn the answer better, and you also learn the method better. They also developed a respect for the land and its inhabitants, which resonated with the natives. The New England and Chesapeake colonies were established during the early 1700s. They took pride in the freedom of allowing the private practice of all religions and did not indoctrinate the indian culture on one religion. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Of COURSE there were rules. The Castello Plan is the only extant map of 1660 New Amsterdam (present-day New York City). In the process of colonisation, colonisers may impose their religion, language, economics, and other cultural practices.The foreign administrators rule the territory in pursuit of their interests, seeking to benefit . spanish used "encomienda" and "mita". Direct link to Rashad Hiyaat's post Are Dutch and French the , Posted 4 years ago. The Dutch Republic emerged as a major commercial center in the 1600s. Or the sick man himself, sometimes, will have dreamed that he must die unless the whole country shall play crosse for his health; and, no matter how little may be his credit, you will see then in a beautiful field, Village contending against Village, as to who will play crosse the better, and betting against one another Beaver robes and Porcelain collars, so as to excite greater interest. The small size of the population meant a severe labor shortage, and to complete the arduous tasks of early settlement, the Dutch West India Company imported some 450 African slaves between 1626 and 1664. Although Columbus mistakenly believed he had landed on an island in East Asia, later explorers added to the knowledge of the land, andthanks in part to the voyages of fellow Italian Amerigo Vespuccidetermined that Columbus had reached a New World. Each of the major European powersSpain, France, the Netherlands, and Englandsent explorers to the New World. He also defended New Amsterdam from Indian attacks by ordering African slaves to build a protective wall on the citys northeastern border, giving present-day Wall Street its name ([link]). Direct link to David Alexander's post In a joint stock company,, Posted 2 years ago. How were the French and Dutch colonies different from the Spanish colonies? This 1684 map of New Netherland shows the extent of Dutch settlement. To this end, Dutch traders formed powerful alliances with Native Americans based on the trade of beaver pelts and furs. Instead they were losing money by being funded by joint-stock companies which took some of the english colonies wealth. No, the Dutch live in the Netherlands and the French live in France :). Farther south, colonies provided tobacco, rice, and indigo. In both countries colonies, then, Native Americans were very important. 6 How did the British colonies differ from the French and Spanish colonies? They wrote detailed annual reports about their progress in bringing the faith to the Algonquian and, beginning in the 1660s, to the Iroquois. Whether this time period was constructive or harmful, it has played a large part in shaping our lives today. You can do it! The English colonists, on the other hand, enjoyed far more freedom and were able to govern themselves as long as they followed English law and were loyal to the king. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. 0000029638 00000 n The Spanish colonies and New England were slightly similar and greatly different in terms of control by European government due to supporting their European country and their acceptance of European religion. Their most predominant difference was that while the New England settlers were seeking religious freedom, the Chesapeake settlers were seeking material wealth. Think about economies, freedoms, religion, government structure, and intermarriage. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. #footer_privacy_policy | #footer . Be able to discuss the: Population Natives Relationship with the natives Region/environment Economy Religious difference Native Americans In Canada the French pop- Some French missionaries eventually made their way to North America in order to convert Native Americans to Catholicism. Initially, European countries were looking for a water passage to China so they would be able to trade for their goods. 0000013739 00000 n the French and the Spanish used missions and religion for colonizing natives. In the works of Christopher Columbus, lvar Nez Cabeza de Vaca, and Bartolom de las Casas, the Natives characterized as positive views in such ways that they were as civilized as the Spaniards. The Spanish, French and Dutch colonies treated the natives differently in terms of freedom granted to the people and religious beliefs. Then it was followed by England, French and many others who left for different reasons. Colonization, or the desire to establish permanent settlements, soon followed.Some of these European countries fought one another for control over trade and the riches of the New World. Direct link to 's post No, the Dutch live in the, Posted 2 years ago. Both the New England and Chesapeake regions were colonized for their own reasons. The English believed that their motives for colonization were pure, and that the growth of empire and freedom would always go together, unlike the Spanish. French and Dutch colonizers focused on trading furs with Native American tribes in North America. The US has never really managed to do that and I think it's because there were too many colonial powers involved, namely, the Dutch, British, French and the Spanish, while south of their border, there were often only one or two colonial powers busy trying to make their mark in one areas at the same time. The title, in Latin meaning Touch me not, refers to John 20:17 in the Bible (King . It's 1492. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". French and Dutch colonization patterns Core historical themes Motivations for colonization: The French colonized North America to create trading posts for the fur trade. Along with their growth in confidence, came a new way of thinking. . French colonies were much smaller than the Spanish colonies. However, there are a few aspects that differentiate between colonies, such as in the Chesapeake and New England regions. Compare And Contrast French And Spanish Colonization During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Europeans began their colonization and settling into America. No matter the view, there will always be one fact for certain, that the Christians wanted the land for themselves; coming from a monarch in Spain in which evoked to show patterns of failure alike Roman Catholic Republics and also the Judeo-Christians which met the same fate. Europeans had become accustomed to the goods from Asia, such as the silk, spices, and pottery that had for centuries traveled the Silk Road. The line with spikes on the right side of the colony is the northeastern wall for which Wall Street was named. HtMo@{,B({JQ$H)Qbw^CV7. The English Empire, 16601763, Imperial Reforms and Colonial Protests, 1763-1774, America's War for Independence, 1775-1783, Creating Republican Governments, 17761790, Growing Pains: The New Republic, 17901820, Industrial Transformation in the North, 18001850, A Nation on the Move: Westward Expansion, 18001860, Cotton is King: The Antebellum South, 18001860, Antebellum Idealism and Reform Impulses, 18201860, Go West Young Man! Spanish & English colonization processes (1450-1800) were similar and different: Political: both had specific governing system. There is a poor sick man, fevered of body and almost dying, and a miserable Sorcerer will order for him, as a cooling remedy, a game of crosse. Although the French and Dutch had apparent positive approaches compared to Spain, oppression of the Native Americans occurred under the control of all three colonies. British brought the geographic and political units formerly under their supervision, including dominions, colonies, and dependencies. Direct link to Sarini's post why did dutch and french , Posted 11 days ago. How far away from Earth is our closest star? The Jesuit Relations ([link]) provide incredible detail about Indian life. The Jesuits were members of the Society of Jesus, an elite religious order founded in the 1540s to spread Catholicism and combat the spread of Protestantism. Colonialism and Imperialism affected our world both positively and negatively. The Dutch established settlements in what it called New Netherland. Compare And Contrast French And Spanish Colonization, As the world of global exploration and colonization grew, many powerful European empires set out to see what the New World had in store for them. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. Colonial Rivalries: Dutch and French Colonial Ambitions by OpenStaxCollege is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. The Spanish treated the Native Americans the worst. To this end, France fostered good relationships with Native Americans, and built on mutual benefits of the trade of beaver furs for French goods. Naively the Native was impressed with the god like, No one will covet another man or have reason to harm another. The profitable fur trade was an enticement for King Louis XIV of France to work cooperatively with the native Indians., Christopher Columbus described in his diary the indians ignorance and lack of religion as a motive for them to willingly convert to Christianity and learn the spanish language (doc 1). What were the differences between the Dutch and the Spanish? The first successful permanent settlement was established in Jamestown Virginia, and as time advances the English established thirteen colonies divided geographically into three regions: new England, middle and southern colonies. Although the British colonies settled in the Americas late, they quickly became a dominant force in the new world. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The major similarity between French and Spanish colonies in the Americas is that both were what one textbook I teach from calls frontiers of inclusion. In both of these countries colonies, Native Americans were made an integral part of society. Which is very interesting and breathtaking everything they have, been through. 0000018051 00000 n The English colonization is quite different from Spanish Colonization through motivation, settlement and relations with Native Americans, and Economic and Political Changes. After unsuccessful efforts at colonization, the Dutch Parliament chartered the "West India Company," a national-joint stock company that would organize and oversee all Dutch ventures in the Western Hemisphere. 0000019037 00000 n In the eyes of Church in Lima, the person who is seen as an idolater was given the title, new Christians. As stated in the reading, Idolatry and its Enemies, In the Archdiocese of Lima, the Indian who was viewed as a pagan or idolater, and whose errors derived from complete ignorance of the Catholic truth Especially in the minds of many Spanish Christians, was a new Christian (Mills, 1997:24). Based on this quote, idolatry, In my opinion the French were the most ethical group in colonizing the New World because they did not come to conquer or enslave native populations. Who wrote the music and lyrics for Kinky Boots? The Dutch government gave the company the power to establish colonies, which enabled the company to control trade. Unit 2: Colonization & Competition (1607-1754) Overview Beginning in 1607, England, France, and Spain all established settlements in North America. Most of the colonies had conflicts with Indians. English and Spanish colonies grew to become very different from one another with frequent similarities. While they failed to attract many colonists from their respective home countries, these outposts nonetheless . How were the Spanish and French colonies similar? How did Native Americans react when the Dutch and French first came? French colonies in the Caribbean were established on a much different basis than New France - like the Dutch and Spanish, the French established plantation-based colonies there for sugar and food. (Esler, 2010) Despite the factors that I mentioned above, the main factor for certain countries was gaining economical power. Direct link to Charli Brooke's post How did Native Americans , Posted 2 years ago. French Colonization. Colonial life was largely controlled by the French Catholic clergy. 0000016793 00000 n 982 Words4 Pages. On the, other hand, the French planned on having plantations near the Mississippi Valley but this was not, as good as they planned to be, in other words it failed . Social: slaves made up a lot of population, both shipped in african slaves. Jersey City, NJ. In the early 1600s British settlers colonized the east coast of North America forming a total of 13 colonies. A French explorer who founded the first permanent French settlement in North America, Quebec. French fishermen, explorers, and fur traders made extensive contact with the Algonquian. There were taxes to pay and to avoid. The Spanish were centered more towards Florida, and the Southwest, while the Dutch were further North, around what is now New York. The Algonquian, in turn, tolerated the French because the colonists supplied them with firearms for their ongoing war with the Iroquois. All societies, states and companies tried to build domination on their weaker neighbors or opponents. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. The Dutch entrance into the Atlantic World is part of the larger story of religious and imperial conflict in the early modern era. The resulting elongated colony served primarily as a fur-trading post, with the powerful Dutch West India Company controlling all commerce. However, negative contexts indicated that Indians created war and show no signs of respect. The Dutch: The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. In a joint stock company, the small investments of many owners are combined to create the capital needed to create the initial organization. French fur traders and missionaries, however, ranged far into the interior of North America, exploring the Great Lakes region and the Mississippi River. The opportunity to make money was one of the primary motivators for the colonization of the New World. Something that the French and Dutch colonies had in common was the fur trade. The Spanish and French colonies were both governed and controlled by their home country. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. what are some similarities between Spanish colonization and french/dutch colonization. However, they all had the same view when it came to intermarriage between the natives and the locals. Find the lesson summary on Spanish colonization and print it out. She or he will best know the preferred format. Spain, who lead the charge, landed in Central and South America, captured gold and silver. conditions. %PDF-1.4 % The Atlantic World portrayed these contrasts between the Spanish, French, Dutch and British empires. 4 How were French and Spanish colonization similar? Clarifications This benchmark implies a study of the ways that economic, political, cultural, and religious competition between these Atlantic powers shaped early colonial America. and why did they allow them to stay? These arising colonies began to grow and evolve into different societies despite being from the same region beforehand. Spanish conquistadors had better success in South America, where they conquered the Aztec and Inca Empires and claimed the land for Spain. French colonies were sparsely settled and were used mainly as ways to trade with the Indians for furs. From this the Spain were able to grow their army and hence, their political power. You cannot download interactives. To protect these missions, the Spanish established presidios, where soldiers lived.The main goal of these missions was to convert Native Americans to Christianity. 0000030683 00000 n The first permanent French settlement, founded in 1608. Colonialism is a practice or policy of control by one people or power over other people or areas, often by establishing colonies and generally with the aim of economic dominance. How did the French and Dutch learn from the experiences of . The Spanish colonized to expand their empire economically through resource, Their policies and methods of colonization were consistent in every region they conquered because of this fact. The Spanish, French, and Dutch colonies in North America all interacted with the Native Americans during the 16th century. COLONIZATION AND SETTLEMENT (1585-1763) English, French, and Spanish Colonies: A Comparison. Let us return to the feasts. was ther miscomunication or was ther a fight or debate going on, or was it just like that? While they failed to attract many colonists from their respective home countries, these outposts nonetheless intensified imperial rivalries in North America. Of three kinds of games especially in use among these Peoples,namely, the games of crosse [lacrosse], dish, and straw,the first two are, they say, most healing. The years 1750-1900 are better known as the Revolution Era. In our latest post, Suvanssh Mahajan delves into The Adivasi Question- Ownership Rights, Development and the Post-Colonial 'Sovereign State.' The Author argues These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 0000002789 00000 n The pristine setting with 2 stone-walled ponds . The Christians interpreted the land as a distinguished beginning, a land of opportunity, not to mention the evil that Gods territories had.. In 1650, Britain takes measures to ensure that mercantilism would boost their own economy instead of others., It affected the understanding of colonial Andes because now there is a transformation and switch of society. What is thought to influence the overproduction and pruning of synapses in the brain quizlet? There was money to be made and lost. Explore an interactive map of New Amsterdam in 1660 that shows the city plan and the locations of various structures, including houses, businesses, and public buildings. After Jacques Cartiers voyages of discovery in the 1530s, France showed little interest in creating permanent colonies in North America until the early 1600s, when Samuel de Champlain established Quebec as a French fur-trading outpost. It purchased the island of Manhattan from the Native Americans in 1626 and renamed it New Amsterdam. It purchased the island of Manhattan from the Native Americans in 1626 and renamed it New Amsterdam. Plantations established in the Mississippi valley largely failed. 0000026501 00000 n Which 3 present-day cities grew out of New France and New Netherland? Conflict with native peoples, as well as dissatisfaction with the Dutch West India Companys trading practices, made the Dutch outpost an undesirable place for many migrants.